Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Elder Scrolls Skyrim

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's dragons are not just the end game
Most fantasy role-playing games pin brave warriors or wizards against an occasional dragon boss. These epic battles can drive players to madness as they try to learn the best tactics to defeat these giant beasts. But The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim takes the concept of fighting dragons in an open world to new, alluring heights. 

Dragons serve as practically normal enemies in the game, instead of big bad bosses waiting to devour you at the end of a dungeon. As you stumble across the enormous environments you’ll come toe-to-toe with hundreds of these scaly baddies. That doesn’t mean dragons — which appear randomly throughout the environment — are easy kills. It takes upgraded weapons, ancient magic, furious shouts, and mighty strength to slay these beasts. 

Bethesda’s Todd Howard told PlayStation Universe after the preview demonstration that players will get a chance to fight dragons early in the game. While he wouldn’t pin point an exact time, he said it’s not just an end game perk. “If you follow the main quest, it won’t be very long,” he said about fighting dragons. 

News: Elder Scrolls Skyrim

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Wikipedia: Elder Scrolls Skyrim

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